Friday, October 14, 2011

The Facts of Occupying Wall Street

I looked through a lot of the suggested sites for the editorial I wanted to critique. I first started on the right-winged more conservative list. I was trying to see what the Republicans had to say but I found it to be a difficult read. I realize that I have a more liberal frame of mind. There were plenty of editorials on the thousands of Americans protesting on Wall Street and around the country. The Smirking Chimp had an editorial by Walter Brasch, Occupy Wall Street: Separating Fact from Media.
                The title is what first caught my eye it was exactly what I wanted just facts. I normally don’t follow political events or issues that closely. I lose interest quickly. I was aware that people were protesting Wall Street due to economic hardships but that was about it. I knew no real details or facts. I learned a lot from reading this blog. Mainly how the average American has reached his/her breaking point. The greed of Congress, Wall Street, and the wealthy has reached epic proportions. I was not only educated as to why people were protesting but also how poorly the bailout was handled. I think everyone should read this blog it covers a lot of ground. Brasch backs his opinions with quotes from representatives, journalists and even the vice President Joe Biden saying, “In the minds of the vast majority of the American the-middle class is being screwed”.  This blog is definitely geared for a more democratic audience.  When I was reading a blog from Ann Coulter she called the protesters blood sucking leeches. I was wondering if she had a point. Did these people in fact have a reason? And if so, was it a good one?  After reading Brasch’s blog I strongly agree with him. This is not just a mob of disenfranchised rebels.  These protesters are the middle class Americans feeling the brunt of the economic crises. It is clear they are not looking for just a handout. They are looking for opportunity. There are still not enough jobs and the bailout helped companies that didn’t need the help. What gives? I don’t understand how the government gives millions to a company that already has profits in the millions. This bailout system doesn’t seem justified. It seems that the help and money never reach those who needed it the most.  Walter Brash made his point very clear, yes the protesters are united. Yes their actions are justified. Yes they have one voice.

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