Friday, October 7, 2011

Taking a Bite out of Spending

In keeping with my last blog, I have found another article about our government and its debt. This article is in our very own Austin American Statesman. It is another example of the government’s appalling overspending.  It is definitely “Time to take a bite out ofwasteful spending” in all areas of our government. We as rational individuals realize that in politics and government money is mismanaged.  Ciaran Griffin points out how ridiculous and sever this mismanagement has become. It all starts with a $16.00 muffin.
                Last month a report was released by the Justice Department’s acting inspector general, Cynthia A. Schnedar. This report was an audit of the excessive overspending that is occurring during government conferences.  What first caught my in this article was the title and the picture of a muffin.  I was intrigued; I thought what’s with the muffin?  As I began to read the author got straight to the point. In the author’s first sentence her point of view was very clear it started with “Our latest outrage”. Allowing the reader know her own feelings of the situation.  It is implied that anyone reading this article is her intended audience and in agreement with her opinion.  I find that it is an opinion that is hard to disagree with. She cited facts and listed some of the overpriced treats attendees were enjoying at these conferences. Along with the $16 muffins there were also $10 cookies and brownies.  Throughout the article she stayed true to her opinion but wasn’t unreasonable. In one of the paragraphs she writes that the conferences were for “worthy topics” like drug enforcement and violence. However, the conferences did not need to be held at such extravagant locations. The Hilton Justice Department, really?
                   The information she obtained were from reputable sources such as the Associated Press and the Justice Department. The article was clear, informative, and to the point. There is no mistaking the author’s opinion. The facts in the article only cemented her opinion and mine. It would be crazy for me to say that I don’t agree with Ciaran Griffin. Or for anyone else who has read the article. She gave me undeniable facts and plenty of examples. The example I found interesting and irritating was the $400 hammers, and the $600 toilets the Pentagon felt was necessary. C’mon now! Look I love indoor plumbing as much as the next girl but, boundaries and common sense need to be exercised. The evidence was overwhelming. I found the read to be informative but also enjoyable.  I enjoyed her comment towards the end that the administration should be embarrassed. Yet again, another reason Americans are cynical about government.  

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